Getting Personal Promotional Codes
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Nothing beats receiving a personalised gift and Getting Personal is the online source for unique gift or card ideas to treat that special person. The range of custom gifts available is immense – personalised jewellery, art, photo mugs, engraved glasses, photo suitcases, custom printed notebooks or albums and more. Keen gardeners will appreciate personalised gifts for the garden or patio while businesspeople will find desktop planters engraved with a special message or a useful pen holder and pen. Getting Personal stock gifts for the home, presents to welcome a new baby to the family, gifts for the sweetie, custom-printed glasses or jugs as gifts for wine, cocktail and spirits drinkers and presents suited for any occasion. Specialised hampers, erotic gifts to exchange with a lover and wedding or engagement gifts are also available from this popular online store. A variety of delivery options are available, so when last-minute personalised gifts are needed in a hurry, check out the range of products at Getting Personal. Also take time to browse available discount codes to make the most of a variety of special offers. read more

Nothing beats receiving a personalised gift and Getting Personal is the online source for unique gift or card ideas to treat that special person. The range of custom gifts available is immense – personalised jewellery, art, photo mugs, engraved glasses, photo suitcases, custom printed notebooks or albums and more. Keen gardeners will appreciate personalised gifts for the garden or patio while businesspeople will find desktop planters engraved with a special message or a useful pen holder and pen. Getting Personal stock gifts for the home, presents to welcome a new baby to the family, gifts for the sweetie, custom-printed glasses or jugs as gifts for wine, cocktail and spirits drinkers and presents suited for any occasion. Specialised hampers, erotic gifts to exchange with a lover and wedding or engagement gifts are also available from this popular online store. A variety of delivery options are available, so when last-minute personalised gifts are needed in a hurry, check out the range of products at Getting Personal. Also take time to browse available discount codes to make the most of a variety of special offers.

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How to use Getting Personal Promotional Codes

  1. Find the perfect gift at Getting Personal

    Log on to and find a gift for every occasion. Getting Personal boasts award winning customer service, guaranteed secure shopping and delivery on cards from just 49p. With a selection of gorgeous gifts as well as soon really great celebration items, order with Getting Personal and you’ll be all set for that big day.

  2. Find your gift

    Make your way around the Getting Personal website using the navigation bar that runs across the top of the homepage. Hover over your chosen category to see a drop down menu of more options. You can also use the content on the homepage itself to find great items, as this is where you’ll find newly added, top rated and featured items, along with best sellers and special offers. Once you have found an item you like, click on to its product page for more information. If you would like to buy it you will need to pick from any applicable options (such as size and colour) and click the “Add to Basket” button.

  3. Grab your promotional code

    You should now be able to see the Shopping Basket page at Getting Personal. If you would like to add more items to your basket simply click “Continue Shopping” and repeat step two. If you are finished with your shopping and would like to move on with your purchase, open in a new tab or window and find a code you would like to use. Reveal the code by clicking the “view code and open site” button. Copy the code once it is visible.

  4. Apply your code for money off

    Back in your basket at Getting Personal find the box labeled voucher code which you can find on the left side of the screen underneath your listed items. Paste the code you copied into that box and click “Apply”. The page will refresh and you should be able to see your discount visibly deducted from your order total. Click “Checkout Now” to move forward.

  5. Checkout on one page!

    At Getting Personal they have a very simple checkout method. Simply enter any personal details concerning your contact and delivery preferences into the secure checkout page when prompted and enter your payment details into the form provided. Click “Confirm my order” to place your order and you’ll be forwarded to a confirmation page. Congratulations, your order is complete!

Getting Personal Customer Reviews

Adding a personal touch to an anniversary gift is easy

I needed a tenth anniversary present for some friends who were throwing a bit party to celebrate the occasion. Only I didn’t have any idea of what to get them. This site is great for that sort of thing. It lists all of the anniversary years. So I quickly realized it was the tin anniversary. Then I searched through the options and found something I thought they’d like – personalized crystal wine glasses. I was able to have “Congratulations on your 10th anniversary” engraved on each, along with their first names. The items arrived safely and look gorgeous. I can’t wait to give it to them this weekend.

Nothing says it like a gift that "says" it

My mum is one of those people who loves all things monogrammed and engraved. She has her initials on soap, on towels, on linens, pillows, etc. I don’t get it frankly, but I’m glad I’ve found a place that caters for such gifts. Getting Personal is great for finding gifts that can be personalised. This year, for Mothering Sunday, I got mum the engraved apple crate and a door mat with her name on it that says: Welcome to Margaret’s home. I did it as a joke, and I figured she wouldn’t use it, but she does. She has it at the side door, and she loves it. This site is fun to shop on.

I love giving monogrammed gifts for the holidays

My Nan has everything, so I thought I'd get her something cute for Christmas. The personalised tea cup and saucer ticked all the boxes for me - price (she'd kill me if I spent more than 20 quid), usefulness and quality. I put 'Nan's tea' as the inscription and I'm sure she's going to love it. I also got my nephews and daughter personalised notebooks, which will be great for school or just doodling at home, and ordered one for the teacher too as a Christmas gift. I spotted a few cool things that I'll have to come back for - namely, the personalised 18th birthday mug that looks like a newspaper clipping. My niece will be 18 next year, and I know she'll get a kick out of it. I'll be shopping from here from now on for gifts w/ that extra personal touch!

Helped me find a great gift for my son's girlfriend

My son is 17 and is coming up on his first year with his girlfriend, so he wanted to impress her with a nice gift for Valentine's Day. I went straight on Getting Personal, since I've ordered gifts from there with success for our nephew's wedding and a christening party. He doesn't have much of a budget, so under 20 quid was essential. I helped him select an engraved heart jewellery box and he personalised it with "Happy Valentine's Day, Love Bobby." It's such a sweet gift and I know his girlfriend Sarah will love it. I'm impressed with the quality of the box and can't wait to hear how it's received tomorrow night.

A lovely selection of thoughtful gifts

I'm at that age where everyone around me seems to be getting married. Less and less people seem to be registering somewhere these days so it's been left to me more than a few times to get something thoughtful and practical for the big day. I do nearly all of my shopping online so various Googles and recommendations eventually led me to Getting Personal. Straight away I loved the selection of gifts on offer covering not just weddings but many other occasions too. The gifts are unique and have a kind of hand-made feel which made them feel exceptionally special for the price. I was hard pressed to pick just one thing, so thankfully stored up plenty of ideas for the future. Ordering was really easy, better yet the check-out was only one page and all I had to do was quickly enter some details - none of the stuff you usually have to do like making an account etc. Once I'd decided what to buy the whole process took little more than five minutes (including adding a code which I found here, thank you). Delivery was standard, relatively quick, I think it arrived in 4 days. I love the selection of gifts on offer and the prices. I would really recommend!!