Find instruments of all types, sheet music, and everything else a musician desires at Take a look around, and place items in your shopping basket by clicking “Add to Basket” on the product page.
Musical needs satisfied for now? Find the red shopping trolley button in the top right corner of the page and click on it to view your basket.
Use the dropdown menus to select the country to which your order will be shipped and the delivery method you want to use. Then click “Proceed to Secure Checkout.”
Registered users can sign in by simply entering their email address and password. New customers will need to add their name, postcode, shipping address, etc. as directed. Add giftwrap and a gift card, if desired. If your billing and delivery address are the same, tick the “Yes“ circle and skip to Step 6. If not, tick “No.” Then click “Continue.”
Enter your billing address as directed, and click “Continue.”
You must add your email address so that Musicroom can keep you apprised of your order. Create a password (optional) if you want to save your details for another time. Then click “Continue“ again.
Promotional Codes UK offers a wide variety of discounts you can apply to your Musicroom order. Check out what we’ve got, pick one by clicking “View Code & Open Site” and copy the code once it appears.
Pop back over to Musicroom and enter or paste your promo code in the field under “Do You Have a Promotional Code?” Click update to apply it, then click “Continue to Payment.”
Select a payment method, enter payment information as directed, and click “Place Secure Order“ to submit payment.